Reasons Why Functional Testing Is More Challenging Than Development

Functional Testing Is More Challenging Than Development

Quality assurance was not considered important until a few years ago. As a result, teams had low budgets, lack of attention, and much more. Due to which there was a gap between the developers and QA teams. However, this is no longer exists as QA is an integral part of the software testing lifecycle. Nowadays, organizations understand how a product’s quality can affect a brand’s reputation and customer satisfaction. QA engineers are not only restricted to focus on testing but are also involved in the planning and software delivery domains. The shift-left approach involves testing as an important part of the early stages of the software lifecycle. It requires QA engineers to have high technical ability and involvement during the CI/CD process. QA managers encourage assimilation in the scrum team, as well as provide rapid feedback on user stories and automation, not to forget the main objective of quality engineers, where high-quality products and a seamless user experience counts the most. This is where organizations require a functional testing company to do complex tasks.

An important that every QA engineer should remember is that developers develop and QA engineers test a software application. Although QA and developers are a part of the same team. Their work, methodologies, tools, and state of mind are completely different. In cases where the significant contribution of QA is not present to the whole team, testing is considered an easy and simple task.  On the contrary. Testing an app is quite complicated than its development. QA engineers should take the following aspects into account when planning tests and executing them.

Think Like A Customer

The basic difference between development and QA team is their state of mind. While developers write code, later they become features of an application. QA is expected to understand how real users think, engage customers to learn business scenarios and confirm that an app meets customer expectations.

Testing An Application As A Whole

Developers and QA have a different point of view. Since developers focus on developing user stories, the job of QA is to test the user story for its features, and the app’s behavior with the new code. This is where integration testing is extremely important and a functional testing company conducts thorough testing as it plays a crucial told in application verification and requires a broader view of the app and how the new functionality integrates with it.

Utilizing Automation To Eliminate Risks

One of the most cost-effective solutions for QA teams is test automation. At the end of a software release, QA is at its most stressful situation and might welcome a new risk. So the automation of testing eliminates these risks and provides early feedback on each change. Agile teams strive to achieve high automation coverage so that the development team can be confident in performing the changes later in the release.

A functional testing company follows the right approach to make the most of their testing efforts. And ensures that developers and QA teams work in collaboration to achieve their expected results.