How Banking App Testing Is Different From Testing In Other Domains

Every industry has its own set of needs when developing software for their systems. Banking apps are more challenging from developing and testing perspectives, as compared to apps from other domains. They require rigorous testing.

There are several reasons for this as we discuss below:

1. Frequently changing regulatory requirements 

A banking app testing company will test the app to ensure it meets regulatory requirements set by governments and banking companies. These requirements tend to change often as policies are revised and updated. Consequently, banking apps have to be tested continuously to ensure they meet evolving requirements.

2. Collaborative requirements gathering

There are lots of stakeholders involved in banking who determine business requirements. Developers, quality assurance engineers, and subject matter experts all work together to completely understand what all is needed for the banking app. This leads to earlier detection of problems as well as their resolution. These requirements have to be properly documented. If they are not documented in the right way, there can be functional gaps in the test plan.

3. Sensitive and confidential data

A banking app testing company must perform security testing to ensure the financial data of customers is protected from unauthorized access. Financial data is a popular hunting ground for hackers. Breaches in financial security can cause irreparable damage to the bank’s reputation. Testers must check all components to make sure the data is protected from theft.

4. Complex integration

Banking apps are integrated with systems like mobiles, ATMs and the internet. This will increase the scope of testing to ensure the integration is seamless.

5. Knowledge of Banking terms

A tester will test many different modules of banking apps such as credit cards, savings accounts, and mortgages. They will have to be knowledgable of banking terms like interest rates, term deposits, rollover, etc.

6. Integration with third-party apps

A bank application is integrated with third-party applications such as restaurant bookings, online shopping, and utility services. Testers must ensure the security of the app as other payment gateways are integrated with it.

7. A large number of users

Banking apps are accessed by a large number of users doing different transactions. Testers must perform load testing to ensure all transactions are working at one time.

8. Obtaining Test Data

Mobile apps have confidential and protected data like personal information. It is not easy for a banking testing company to have access to such data. The solution lies in data masking and synthetic data creation. Data masking masks account related information by automated scripts. The data is inserted into a cut-down version of the database. Synthetic test data is created in a controlled test environment.

9. Test plans

Test plans should indicate controlled and real environments clearly so that the risks in each can be assessed rightly. There are variations between production and test environments of functional and technical nature. In production, data transfer is automated. In a test environment, simulating a data transfer delay is hard to replicate. Good test plans help deal with such test scenarios highlighting the associated risks.

10 Recovery plan

Many apps can crash with varying recovery times. A bank app must recover quickly to not risk losing customers and a good image. A banking app testing company will test the app to ensure a robust recovery plan is in place, that prevents data leakage, and fix any corrupted data in a reasonable time.